Sunday, October 21, 2007

"Real Mommies" blog created

So, I have decided to branch out from my 'flagship blog' and create a mom-oriented blog related to my earlier post, "Real Mommies Don't Wear White." I will continue to use this blog, Meaghan's Write-ability, to post pieces I am working on such as poetry or stories. I hope to eventually promote one or both of these blogs, making them "open to the public." I'll post more about how the new blog is working out. Although I posted about my spousal jealousy last time, I think it has been the kick in the butt that I've needed. Yes, I am a competitive person, even(especially?) with my husband.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007


So, my ego has been a bit bruised lately. Me, the wannabe writer of the family, has some competition. My dear, sweet, sports-loving husband has been writing more than me. He recently decided to start his own blog, along with an old friend, which is centered on sports - namely fantasy sports. I am truly happy for him (no, really I am). But I have to admit it is a tad annoying to notice that the one person who has been writing in this family is not me. Granted, he has about a third more time on his hands than I do right now (and for the foreseeable future), though he would surely beg to differ. I recently posted about forming habits, and that it takes 21 days of performing a particular act before it becomes a habit. Well, the only habit I have formed, or should I say "reinforced," is my lifelong habit of procrastination. Of course, now I have the adequate and extremely handy excuse of being a full-time working mom, which is great reinforcement for my bad behavior. One of these days, I will become disciplined. I will fight off the desire for sleep. I will become a woman of action! One of these days...just not tonight.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

"Real Mommies Don't Wear White"

Spurred by a recent Sunday circular distributed by a nationwide department store chain, I was compelled to start a column called "Real Mommies Don't Wear White." Although this store is one of my favorites, the picture on the front of the circular made me snicker to myself. In promoting their baby sale items, the photo depicted a woman(presumably a mother) dressed in head-t0-toe white, with an infant in a carseat on the floor beside her(also decked in white). Are they serious? Now, this is not some high-class department store, catering to the Celebritariat and those with too much money to know better. I would like to assume that I was not the only middle-class Mommy
to be laughing at the thought of spending a day(let alone five minutes) wearing a matching mommy-and-me-sized napkin! I would look like a used Swiffer wipe by the time I had put on both of my shoes. Ok, so it is deceitful of me to put forth that I never wear white. I just don't wear anything, regardless of the color, without the thought of "What new color will soon be adorning this?" crossing my mind. If you are conscious enough to be able to keep you clothes spotless while wearing them, I question the amount of time and energy you are focusing on your child. Circular-ad mommy and child may look spotless, but are they truly happy?

Tuesday, October 2, 2007


So, I just finished reading a short article on organizing your house. It mentioned the theory of forming new habits and how you need to repeat whatever habit you are trying to form for 21 days in order for it to stick. As you can clearly see, I have a hard time starting something and actually following through with it. Case in point - this blog. Started June 1st, with only one entry. I started it in hopes of using it as my creative outlet, since I find I have no creativity in my life outside of what I accomplish with my 18-month-old daughter. I really must work on my stick-to-it-iveness! I vow to post at least a short blurb in this blog for the next 21 days, and hopefully something good will come of it. Time for bed...

Friday, June 1, 2007

Lofty Goals?

Well, I've succumbed to the ever-popular blogging phenomenon, in hopes that it will motivate me to work toward my lifelong dream of becoming a published writer. Blogging has been around for how long now? I never said I was technologically savvy! I'm no longer satisfied with my go-to phrase, "someday, when I have the time to write..." So, now that I have a 1-year-old daughter, I need to get cracking or will lose myself within my motherliness. Baby-steps, though. Tonight, having set-up this blog while only stepping away once to quiet the cries for "mama baba's," I will now head off to bed with the hope that I will be back with another entry tomorrow. Good night!